Never Been Kissed

And for Rosalind, her male costume,
opens the possibilities for the great love of her life

Josie, why don't you read from Act 5,
Scene 2, Rosalind's speech--

No sooner had they met but they looked;
no sooner looked but they loved;
no sooner loved but they sighed..."
Does he notice me?
Does he hear my heart screaming his name--
sometimes it's so loud
I think the Gods can hear my pain.

His voice is so mellifluous,
oh to get just one small kiss.

O.K., what have you wanted for like ever
but you didn't think it would -ever happen?

I'm the most popular girl in school,
and Billy Prince is taking me to prom.

Billy Prince is asking you to prom.
I don't know.
The poem!
I knew he liked the poem!
Billy Prince is asking me to the prom.
That's what I'm saying.
Oh my God!
I actually speechless, I have no words!
That's never happend to me ever in my life

O.K. - just a reminder.
Your paper is due next week.

Hey guys!. This is Cindy Anakowski student body's president...
