Never Been Kissed

Hi there!
I'm sorry I can't even think in here
No ofense, I know you love this
I'm just hoping you could get all out of your system
from you move to New York

My firm has season tickets to the Met
Oh, well I love baseball
Nice to meet you
It's nice to meet you too
The way I see "we'are tomorrow"
"Hello I'm tomorrow"

because when we get the money and the power
the women come to me...

the women come to me
Do what I'm doing

If you don't have any moving
Don't movement

It's better if I write it down
Do you have a napkin?

Welcome to my little love boat
Just let me up with my business.
Oh wait a minute... This I can't forget

That was great you guys!!
That was great...

Excuse me, can I sit there?
Yeah, we accept all people
We are all about da' love, c'mon have a sit

Thank you so much
How do you tonight?
I'm very well, thank you
How are you?

I fell good, I feel really good
You know, we have this special cake for you

Have some cake. It's a special cake,
it's Ganja's cake

It has vitamin A, vitamin B,
vitamin T, H and C.

I'ts good for you, eat it up.
Is that...? No, girl... put it back,
just say "No"
