Notting Hill

% You knew just what I was there for %
Oh, God. I'm horribly drunk.
% You heard me saying a prayer for %
- Come here.
- % Ba-boom, ba-boom %

% Someone I really could care for %
- So you've laid the ghost?
- % Wah, wah, wah, wah %

I believe I have.
Don't give a damn
about the famous girl?

No, I don't think I do.
Which means you won't be distracted
by the fact that she's back in London...

grasping her Oscar...
and currently to be found filming,
most days, on Hampstead Heath.

Oh, God, no.
So not over her, in fact.
[ Laughter ]
- Can I help you?
- Yeah, I'm, um--

- I'm looking for Anna Scott.
- Does she know you're coming?

No. No, uh, she doesn't.
- I'm afraid I can't let you through.
- Right.

I mean, I am actually a friend.
I'm not a lunatic, but--

- No, you basically, er--
- Can't let you through, sir.
