October Sky

Great idea.
Well, you made me cry
When you said good-bye
Ain't that a shame
My tears fell like rain
[ Explosion ]
Ain't that a shame
- You're the one to blame
- [ Chuckling ] Yeah.

- [ Laughing ]
- We got one!

Oh, well
Although I'll try
Ain't that a shame
My tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame
You're the one to blame
My guess is, is we're gettin' air
pockets in the body of the propellant.

When the fire hits 'em, they act
like little combustion chambers.

I think we're gonna need
a liquid binder of some sort.

- What about gasoline?
- That's a good idea.

"Four unidentifiable
high school students...

lost their lives earlier this mornin'
when their toy rocket exploded."

I mean, alcohol's stable.

And it'll evaporate quickly.
Yeah, but it'd have
to be 100% undiluted.

None of that watered-down stuff
they sell at the company store.

I have no idea
where we could find that.

[ Men Scatting ]
Listen. I know these fellas,
so let me do all the talkin'.

I'm not gonna say a word.
Now they often
call me Speedo

- By my real name is Wilbur
- [ Man ] Is that rocket fuel or what?

[ Laughing ]
Now they often
call me Speedo

But my real name is Wilbur
Well, now some
may call me Joe

Some may call me Moe
