Pola X

What's the matter?
Is it Thibault?
My Lucie... Tell me.
Tell me more about the dream.
Your new dream with the face.
The face?
I've told you everything
I remember.

You haven't told me
the whole truth, Pierre.

l can sense that. It scares me.
This face... who is it?
I'm not hiding anything.
The girl doesn't exist.

She's ageless...
She comes from
who knows where...

It's a face.
Not even... l couldn't draw her.
Long hair, dark, tangled...
A wanderer...
A presence, a breath...
And she just appeared
in your dreams, a few weeks ago?

It's hard to believe.
What can l do?
l should never have mentioned it.
l was stupid to think
love shouldn't keep secrets.

Never say that!
lf l thought you had secrets,
it would be over.

Swear you'll never hide
anything from me.

Swear, Pierre!
Stop it, Lucie!
