Pushing Tin

-Eagle 491 2, descend to 4000.
-Five to four. 491 2.

You got two airplanes
headed towards each other.

-You gonna turn one?

lf l don't, everyone loses the connections.
Delta 532, slow to 1 60.

-Jetlink 3594, increase speed to 230.
-Did you say 230?

That's right. l need it now.
Come on. Pedal faster.

532, verify visual contact with 2:00.
-What's the problem?
-He almost put three planes together.

They had visual.
These two planes
are going nose to nose!

Continental 2478, turn right
heading 060, slow to 1 40.

-Delta 532, slow to 1 60.
- 160.

Delta 532, make a hard left turn
heading 090.

lt's too steep a turn.
Left heading 090. Delta.
Delta 532. Scary,
but I must say, good job.

-Thank you very much.
-Good job.
