Random Hearts

If you check in, I'm heading for
the airport early. Meet me for coffee.

They're gonna mark you tardy.
I've got court today.
You working late?
I can if you are.
Thought I'd take you to The Palm.
I wanna get my dad
one of those weather radios.

The nothing-but-weather ones.
Now that he's on the water.

Get him a book.
Let him dope it out. He'd like that.

You'd like that.
He doesn't think the weatherman
will lie to him.

He wants to know
if a hurricane's coming.

What's wrong with The Palm?
It's Friday night. It'll be crowded.
You like it crowded.
Okay, let's go to The Palm.
If you're just killing time...
Did he talk about God?
Ask him if God said anything bad.
If we get him to say
God speaks to him, then...
