Random Hearts

...over Chesapeake Bay,
20 miles south...

...of the city limits,
where Southern Airlines flight...

...437 to Miami went down
about an hour ago...

...with 1 03 passengers...
Anything happening?
School cops took a nine
out of this girl's locker.

Same gun got logged into evidence
six weeks ago. Drive-by weapon.

...8000 feet when it veered off-course
and began a steep descent...

The only thing he isn't short on
is cash.

He'll buy a million dollars
worth of TV time...

...and hide behind the best advertising
money can buy.

I can beat him if I can get
on television myself.

The issue here is whether someone
totally unsuited for public office...

...can buy his way into
the United States Congress.

I hope your answer's no.
I said "buy" too many times, right?
Let's eat.
You got no lunchroom here?
Here's what we got.
We got a gun that was used
in a homicide. Killed someone.

It got stolen out of the property room.
Maybe some cop sold it right out.

Then we got you
in possession of that gun.

We ain't got no lunchroom.
Some school fool say he found
some gun in my locker.

I wouldn't know. I wasn't there.
I ain't possessing nothing.

How did it get in your locker, Shyla?
Don't use my Christian name
like we'll be friends.

It's my impression you weren't
in the market for corporate support.

I hate making these calls.
I thought I wouldn't have to.
But now I need the money.

We had good relations with your dad.
He understood the communications
business. We appreciated that.

Who was doing your media?
I guess I was.
Never needed much till Cornelius
came out of left field.

Make that right field.
What do you think of Carl Broman?
...offshore breeze and clearing.
Low tonight in the mid-70s.
