
The little mouse.
It's gone out to sea, darling.
The seaside?
Yes. It went for a swim.
Da, James hurt me.
He drank your beer as well.
Did he now?
I'll see to that later.

Now let me watch.
Go on, son. Jump for it!
- You killed my mouse, Dad.

Yes, yes!
Goal! Attack!
Give them back, you bastard.
- Say pretty please.
- Pretty please.

- Pretty please with a cherry on top.
- Pretty please with a cherry on top.

What will you give me
if I give you them?

- Anything.
- No. Fuck off.

- The stupid cow can't see a thing.
- Have you lost your panties as well?

Just give me them back.
See you later, darling.
You bastard!
Fucking cow.
- Asshole!
- Fuckin' bitch!

Can you see my glasses in there?
Can you?
- No.
- Are you sure?
