You old communists hunter.
You're doing a striptease?
Only for the housewife.
Don't you think they're too big for me?
Your size doesn't fit me.
Maybe they'll shrink after boiling.
- Don't you have anything for me?
- Not this time.
- Nothing for me too.
- Blasted table, I'll make a complaint.
This place is filled with asbestos -
you're going to suffer from a lung cancer.
Maybe at your place.
It's just a matter of time,
Just wait ten years and...
- Ten years?
- Yes.
We've lived here for such a time actually.
You've got to make a complaint, then.
Misha, I've got something for you.
I smuggled it.
Pants! Great,
Sit down and be more happy.
You probably had a lot problems with those.
No problems at all,
What are you doing?
A request for party admittance?
Which one do you want to join?
Isn't it that you've got only one party here?
My daughter in the party?
Never. That's out of the question.
- Is she supposed to fail her life?
- Georg is in the party as well.
Did I fail my life?
A Communist Manifest Anniversary is not
a celebration.
I know about it.
Leave her alone and better think of
what you're going to say tomorrow at school.
- I'm not going to the Army for three years. That's insane.
- I assume you don't want to study in Moscow?
A certificate from Moscow is way much more
important here.
What did you just say?
The boy should either study in Oxford
or Sorbon.
Only mental cripples go to Russian schools.
Do you know who you are?
You're nothing but a retaliator and inciter.