Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

No. I sense
an unusual amount of fear...

for something as trivial
as this trade dispute.

What is it?
This scheme of yours has failed,
Lord Sidious.

The blockade is finished.
We dare not go against these Jedi.

Viceroy, I don't want
this stunted slime in my sight again.

This turn of events is unfortunate.
We must accelerate our plans.

Begin landing your troops.
My lord, is that legal?
I will make it legal.
And the Jedi?
The chancellor should never have
brought them into this.

Kill them immediately.
Yes, my lord.
As you wish.

Captain, look!
They must be dead by now.
Destroy what's left ofthem.
Oh! Excuse me.
-Check it out, Corporal. We'll cover you.
-Roger, roger.

Uh-oh. Blast them.
What is going on down there?
We lost the transmission, sir.
Have you ever encountered
a Jedi knight before, sir?

Well, no, but I don't--
Seal off the bridge.

- Yes, sir.
- That won't be enough, sir.

I want droidekas
up here at once!

We will not survive this.
