Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Ihave the senate
bogged down in procedures.

They will have no choice but
to accept your control of the system.

The queen has great faith
that the senate will side with her.

Queen Amidala is young and naive.
You will find controlling her
will not be difficult.

Yes, my lord.
You didn't tell him
about the missing Jedi.

No need to report that to him
until we have something to report.

- Where wesa goin?
- Don't worry. The Force will guide us.

Oh, maxi big, da Force.
Well, dat smells stinkowiff.
- We're losing power.
- Oh, no!

Wesa dyin' here.
-Just relax. We're not in trouble yet.
- What "yet"?

Monsters out dare.
Leak'n in here.

All sink'n and no power?
Whena yousa tinkin wesa in trouble?

Power's back.
Monster's back!
You overdid it.
Head for that outcropping.
Oh, boy.
