Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Yousa in big dudu dis time.
How wude.
Yousa cannot bees hair.
Dis army of Mackineeks
up dare is new weesong.

A droid army is about to attack
the Naboo. We must warn them.

Wesa no like da Naboo.
Da Naboo tink day so smarty.
Day tink day brains so big.
Once those droids take control of the
surface, they will take control of you.

Mesa no tink so.
Day not know of uss-en.
You and the Naboo form
a symbiont circle.

What happens to one of you will affect
the other. You must understand this.

Wesa no carrrre-nn about da Naboo.
Then speed us on our way.
Wesa ganna speed yous away.
We could use a transport.
Wesa give yousa una bongo.
Da speediest way tooda Naboo...
'tis goen through the planet core.
Thank you for your help.
We leave in peace.

Master, what's a bongo?
A transport, I hope.
Deysa setten yousa up.
Goen through da planet core?
Bad bombin'.

Any help here would be hot.
Master, we're short on time.
We'll need a navigator to get us
through the planet's core.

This Gungan may be of help.
What is to become
of Jar Jar Binks here?

Hisen to be pune-ished.
I saved his life.
He owes me
what you call a "life-debt."
