Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Republic credits are no good out here.
I need something more real.

I don't have anything else,
but credits will do fine.

- No, they won't.
- Credits will do fine.

No, they won't!
What, you think you're some kind of Jedi,
waving your hand around like that?

I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks
don't work on me. Only money.

No money, no parts, no deal.
And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive,
I promise you that.

Wouldn't have lasted long anyways
if I wasn't so good at building things.

We're leaving. Jar Jar.
I'm glad to have met you, Anakin.
I was glad to meet you too.
They think we know nothing.

They seemed nice to me.
Clean the racks.
Then you can go home.
And you're sure there's
nothing left on board?

A few containers of supplies.
The queen's wardrobe, maybe,
but not enough for you to barter with...

not in the amount
you're talking about.

All right. I'm sure
another solution will present itself.

I'll check back later.
Noah gain. Noah gain.
Da beings hereabouts, cawazy!
Wesa be wobbed un crunched.
Not likely. We have nothing of value.
That's our problem.

Are you going to pay for that?
It costs seven wupiupi.
