Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Afraid to lose her,
I think, mmm?

What has that got to do
with anything?

Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.

Hate leads to suffering.
I sense much fear in you.
Yousa tinking
yousa people ganna die?

I don't know.
Gungans get pasted too, eh?
I hope not.
Gungans no die'n without a fight.
Wesa warriors.
Wesa got a grand army.
Dat's why you no liken us,
mesa tinks.

Your Highness?
Your Highness...
Senator Palpatine has been nominated
to succeed Valorum...

as supreme chancellor.
A surprise, to be sure,
but a welcome one.

Your Majesty, if I am elected,
I promise to put an end to corruption.

Who else has been nominated?
Bail Antilles of Alderaan
and Ainlee Teem of Malastare.

I feel confident our situation will
create a strong sympathy vote for us.

I will be chancellor.
I fear by the time you have control
of the bureaucrats, Senator...

there'll be nothing left
of our people, our way of life.

I understand your concern,
your Majesty.

Unfortunately, the Federation
has possession of our planet.

Senator, this is your arena.
I feel I must return to mine.
I've decided to go back to Naboo.
Go back?
