Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

It's not disrespect, Master.
It's the truth.

From your point of view.
The boy is dangerous.
They all sense it. Why can't you?

His fate is uncertain.
He's not dangerous.

The council will decide
Anakin's future.

That should be enough for you.
Now get on board.

Qui-Gon, sir,
I don't want to be a problem.

You won't be, Ani.
I'm not allowed to train you...
so I want you to watch me
and be mindful.

Always remember:
Your focus determines your reality.
Stay close to me
and you'll be safe.

Master, sir...
I heard Yoda talking
about midi-chlorians.

I've been wondering--
What are midi-chlorians?

Midi-chlorians are
a microscopic life-form...

that resides
within all living cells.

- They live inside me?
- Inside your cells, yes.

- And we are symbionts with them.
- Symbionts?

Life-forms living together
for mutual advantage.

Without the midi-chlorians,
life could not exist...

and we would have
no knowledge of the Force.

They continually speak to us...
telling us the will of the Force.
When you learn
to quiet your mind...

You'll hear them speaking to you.
I don't understand.
With time and training, Ani,
you will. You will.

Your Majesty, it is our pleasure
to continue to serve and protect you.

I welcome your help.
Senator Palpatine fears that
the Federation means to destroy me.

I assure you I will not
allow that to happen.

Wesa goin' home!
Come on, R2.
