Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Although we do not always agree,
your Honour...

our two great societies
have always lived in peace.

The Trade Federation has destroyed all
that we have worked so hard to build.

If we do not act quickly,
all will be lost forever.

I ask you to help us.
No, I beg you to help us.
We are your humble servants.
Our fate is in your hands.
Yousa no tinken yousa
greater den da Gungans?

Mesa lika dis!
being friends.
We've sent our patrols.
We already located
their starship in the swamp.

It won't be long, my lord.
This is
an unexpected move forher.

It's too aggressive.
Lord Maul, be mindful.
Let them make the first move.
Yes, my master.
Deysa comin!
All right!
They're here!
Good. They made it.
Yousa doen grand.
Jar Jar bring uss-en
and da Naboo together.

Oh, no, no, no.
So, wesa make you...
bombad general.
