Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Then speed us on our way.
Wesa ganna speed yous away.
We could use a transport.
Wesa give yousa una bongo.
Da speediest way tooda Naboo...
'tis goen through the planet core.
Thank you for your help.
We leave in peace.

Master, what's a bongo?
A transport, I hope.
Deysa setten yousa up.
Goen through da planet core?
Bad bombin'.

Any help here would be hot.
Master, we're short on time.
We'll need a navigator to get us
through the planet's core.

This Gungan may be of help.
What is to become
of JarJar Binks here?

Hisen to be pune-ished.
I saved his life.
He owes me
what you call a "life-debt."

Your gods demand
that his life belongs to me now.

yousa havena liveplay
with thisen hisen?

Begone wit him!
Count me outta dis one.
Better dead here
than dead in da core.

Yee gods!
What mesa sayin?

Dis is nutsen.
Oh, gooberfish!

- Why were you banished,JarJar?
- It's a longo tale-o...

buta a small part of it
would be mesa... clumsy.
