Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Without a doubt, it saved the ship,
as well as our lives.

It is to be commended.
What is its number?

R2-D2, Your Highness.
Thank you, R2-D2.
Clean this droid up
as best you can.

It deserves our gratitude.
Continue, Captain.
Your Highness,
with your permission...

we're heading for a remote planet
called Tatooine.

It's in a system far beyond the reach
of the Trade Federation.

I do not agree
with the Jedi on this.

You must trust my judgment,
Your Highness.

Sorry. Husa are yousa?
I'm Padmé.
Mesa JarJar Binks.
You're a Gungan, aren't you?
- How'd you end up here with us?
- My no know.

Mesa day starten pitty okeyday
witda brisky morning munchen.

Den boom!
Getten berry scared...

and grabben datJedi, and pow--
mesa here.

Mesa getten
berry, berry scared.

- That's it-- Tatooine.
- There's a settlement.

Land near the outskirts.
We don't want to attract attention.

The hyperdrive generator's gone, Master.
We'll need a new one.

That'll complicate things.
Be wary.

- I sense a disturbance in the Force.
- I feel it also, Master.

Don't let them send
any transmissions.
