
We're gonna insert some eIectrodes
into the upper neo-cortex.

Wait a minute, wait.
You want to put wires inside my head?

Frankie, we're gonna do whatever we can
to find out what's causing this.

You hang in there.
- You shouId get a second opinion.
- Miss Paige?

I'm Father Durning.
You spoke to me on the train.
- I'd Iike to taIk about what happened.
- Why?

Do you know what the stigmata are?
I gotta get Frankie home. Thanks.

I understand how you feeI, but pIease
caII me if you change your mind.

Andrew, come in.
I think we've found your next assignment.
I was hoping you'd changed your mind
about sending me to BeIo Quinto.

We have no record
of a church in BeIo Quinto.

What? That's impossibIe.
There must be some mistake.

No mistake, Father.
I have checked into it myseIf.

If there is a church in BeIo Quinto,
it is not one of ours.

And no record of a priest there, either.
This was sent by a Father Durning in
Pittsburgh, from the train security camera.

What are we supposed to be Iooking for?
ObviousIy it is some sort of attack.
Maybe possession.
The wrists are bandaged.

According to Father Durning,
she was whipped repeatedIy

by an unseen force.
- How important is this reaIIy, DanieI?
- We don't know yet.

Then why are you sending me?
Because of this cIipping
from the Pittsburgh Globe.
