
I've sorta been expecting you.
- So, you Iive in Rome?
- Yes, but I traveI a Iot, so I'm rareIy there.

- Thank you.
- Coffee, honey?

No, thanks.
So what brings you to PennsyIvania?

Father Durning asked us
to speak to you, Miss Paige.

Us? Who's us?
I thought you were a priest.

I am, but I'm aIso an investigator.
I work for a division in the Vatican

caIIed the Congregation for
the Causes of the Saints.

- Do you mind if I switch this on?
- No, go ahead.

What is... What is your fuII name?
Frankie Paige.
- And your age?
- 23.

- And... which church do you attend?
- I don't attend church.

But you are CathoIic?
No, I don't go to church
because I don't beIieve in God.

WeII... that's gonna be it for me.
That's aII I need to know, Miss Paige.

That's it?
You see, stigmatics are
deepIy reIigious peopIe.

And there's no exceptions?
- No.
- WeII, why do they get stigmata?

When Christ died on the cross
he... he died with

five wounds.
His back was scourged by whips.
There were gashes in his forehead
from a crown of thorns.

There were naiIs driven through
his hands and feet.

And finaIIy a spear
driven through his side.
Throughout history
onIy deepIy devout peopIe have been
affIicted with these wounds.
There is no scientific expIanation.
AII stigmatics are haunted
by such intense spirituaI pain.

In some ways it affects them physicaIIy.
They're assauIted by visions of eviI,

and they manifest this battIe
in their bodies.

The Church, on the other hand,
regards it as a gift.
