Stuart Little

Hop in.
A roadster.
Go ahead, check it out.
Stuart, what's wrong?
It's the first time I've fit in
since I got here.

What's that?
Oh, that.
That's the Wasp.
She is beautiful.
-But she's not finished.
-When are you gonna finish it?

Well, me and my dad were building her,
but I decided to stop.

How come?
I'm too little for a race like that.
Little? You're not little.
Well, not to me.
Stuart, you've never seen
one of these races.

There's hundreds of people there.
Everybody from school.

I mean...
...what if you lost?
At least you'll have been somewhere.
Come on, George. What do you say?
Let's get started.
You know...
...I'm not sure I want a brother.
How about a friend?
I guess I can always use a friend.
-Yes, Dad?

Have you seen Stuart?
He's down here with me.
What are you doing to him?
He's helping me finish the Wasp.
That's wonderful, son.
That's terrific.
Can't race her like this.
Right, George?
