Summer of Sam

(man #) Get rid of this thing, too.
lt's disgusting.

- Hi. Here's your order.
- Thank you, honey.

- Beautiful.
- Thank you for waiting.

- Tell your father he's a great man.
- That looks great.

- Thank you, honeybunch.
- So long, sweetie.

(man) Luigi, look who's here.
Starsky and Hutch.

(man #) Are we double-parked
outside or somethin'?

You gonna invite us to sit or what?
You both got asses. Feel free to use 'em.
Mario? Mario!
Si, signor Luigi?
Two setups for New York's finest.
Ah, sure, paesano.
You're gonna invite us to a meal?
That's against regulations.

- You sit at my table, you eat.
- Nobody's counting, huh? Sit down.

Detective, you ever have
Veal Sorrentino?

- Uh, no, l haven't.
- Well, you're gonna have it now.

- Sounds delicious.
- That's ltalian for veal delight.

- What is it?
- lt's ltalian food. Veal Sorrentino.

You need your energy to catch
the criminals of the world.

l like that. That's good.
Sorrentino, here you go.

Try to catch this one.
Compliments to the chef. Yeah.
Your partner tell you
he ran errands for me as a kid?

Yeah. When he was a pipsqueak.
Too small even to piss straight.

- No, he never told me that.
- (Luigi) Never told you other things.

My partner knows l'm from here.
Can we get down to business?

What business?
We need your help.
What do you want me to do?
Arrest myself?

l wish this was a joking matter,
but it's not. lt's serious.

l want to talk to you about
this crazy son-of-a-bitch killer.

We need your help.
You got a hundred cops on the task force.
You need my help? l'm only a plumber.
Luigi, you know l wouldn't be here
if l didn't have to be.
