Sweet and Lowdown

Wanna go take a boat ride?
Don't overthrow it.
Throw it down.

That was a good try.
Try it one more time.

That was all right.
Good try.

Thanks for stickin' me
with the dummy.

- Stop whining. You wanted her.
- Then I changed my mind.

She seems like a nice girl.
How could she seem like anything?
She doesn't talk.

This is my one day off.
I want a talkin' girl.

- I think she's a bit of a half-wit.
- What do you mean?

Gracie says
she's not all there in the head.

Well, that's great.
A man like me, got ideas.
Try to have
a good time today, huh?

You girls wanna
go for a walk on the pier?

You hungry?
Is that a yes or a no?
Yeah, me too.
What? Huh?
I can't read that. It's like a Chinaman.
What do you want?

Do you know how to write?
Did you go to school?

What is that?
Is that a yes or a no?

You're a hard-luck case.
You an orphan?

You don't know?
Oh, this is great.
This is great.

I get a goddamn mute
orphan half-wit.

I get all the winners. Were you
always like this, born like this?
