The Bone Collector

The rifling on the .38 slug
they dug out of the victim...

:29:19 consistent with a Webley,
an old, turn-of-the-century handgun.

On the big board, please.
What about that bolt?

There's three initials
on the head: N.S.G.

And the bolt's not steel. It's iron.
Iron. Iron. Making it old...
:29:36 the Webley.
Officer Donaghy,
what do you know about asbestos?

It kills Americans every day.
Very good.
-You computer literate?
-A little.

Thelma? Where's my Thelma?
Thelma, meet Amelia.
Amelia, Thelma.

Amelia hates my books
and computers...

...but she's got an A-plus nose
for evidence...

:29:59 show her how to
access D.E.P. files.

See if there's any large asbestos
cleanups going on in the city.

-Where is Eddie Ortiz?
-Right here!

How's the world's
crankiest criminalist?

Playing " beat the clock."
Everybody's worst nightmare.
Get in a cab, and there's a psycho
from Jersey behind the wheel.

We don't know he's from Jersey.
Yeah, Bayonne. It's the toxins
in the water over there.

You bring the whole lab?
-Mom always told me to be prepared.
-Where do you want this?

Put it over here in the corner.
How is your mother?

She's 76, and she's shtupping a guy
named Morris. Can you believe that?

God bless her.
But it's Morris I'm worried about.
He's 79 with a tricky ticker
and an active pecker.

-Afternoon. Captain Cheney.

...what about that asbestos?
