The Bone Collector

The whole place is scalded in steam.
Let's go! Move away!
ESU are gonna blow a hole
in the subbasement wall.

I understand I'm working
with Chief Murphy's authorization.

That's right.
I don't want Emergency Services guys
in there trampling the evidence...

...before we run the scene.
What do you want?
When they blow the hole,
I want Donaghy in.

She's not trained for this.
We could get our asses in a sling.

My ass has been
in a sling for four years.

Tell Hanson and his beasts
that's what I want.

All right. You got it.
Okay, let's move!
I'm doing this under protest.
The perp could still be in there!

Rhyme's in charge,
and they're his orders.

You can't handle it in there,
get your ass out.

Amelia, you ready?
You listen to me.
I'm with you every step of the way.
Go on.
Good luck.
-I'm in.
-Tell me what you see.

Everything's been boiled to hell.
Oh, God.
What is it?
It's an awful smell.
You're close.
