The Corruptor

You speak Chinese?
Doesn't everybody in Chinatown?
Danny Wallace...Henry Lee.
You gentlemen are partners?
Are we?
Cagney and Lacey.
Chinatown needs more police.
I hope you find a home here.
I think you'll discover that
Chinese are warm and generous.

I hope to see much of you
in the coming weeks.

He's Tong.
That's why it's Krystal
and not Astifucking Spumanti.

It is very dangerous
to approach a white policeman.

We cannot risk exposing our
other ties in the department.

That's why, Uncle,
we must approach Wallace.

He could compromise Chen...
at a time when he's our best
weapon against the Fukes.

We need him with us
to save Ga Chen's position.

Besides, to the NYPD...
Chen is Chinese first
and a cop second.

Chen can take care of himself.
He knows what we need of him.

He knows what he hears
in the 15th.

A white officer with ears
outside the precinct.

We could let Chen
test the waters.
