The Green Mile

Gosh. He ain't in there, huh?
Don't that beat the mousy band?
You wanna think about
what you were doing?

I was trying to get the mouse.
Are you blind?

You also scared the living crap
out of me and Bill. . .

. . .not to mention the inmates.
So what?
They aren't in cradle school,
case you didn't notice.

Although you treat them that way.
We don't scare them
any more than we have to.

They're under enough strain.
Men under strain can snap.
Hurt themselves and hurt others.
That's why our job is. . .

. . .talking. . .
. . .not yelling.
You'd do better to think of this place
like an intensive care ward.

I think of it as a bucket of piss
to drown rats in.

That's all.
Anybody doesn't like it?
You can kiss my ass.
You try it. Go on.
Try it. You'll be on the bread lines
before the week is out.

Okay, Brutal.
We all know who your connections are.
You ever threaten a man on this block
again, we all gonna have a go.

Job be damned.
You done?
Get all this shit back in the room.
You are cluttering up my Mile.
