The Green Mile

And I'll have one less
crazy old trustee.

It was pretty funny.
I don't like it.
We'll be doing this for real.

I don't want anybody remembering
a stupid joke and getting going again.

Ever try not to laugh in church. . .
. . .when something funny gets stuck
in your head?

I'm sorry, Paul. You're right.
Let's keep going.
Soak the sponge.
Putting on the black hood.
And putting on my cap.
Why's he putting that sponge
on his head?

Conducts electricity to the brain
fast like a bullet.

You don't ever throw the switch
on a man without that.

Hush up there, Toot.
Getting screwed.
I'm getting the cap.
Arlen Bitterbuck. . .
. . .electricity shall be passed through
your body until you are dead. . .

. . .in accordance with state law.
God have mercy on your soul.
Roll on two.
And that's that.
I'm frying! I'm frying!
I'm a done tom turkey!
This is a shocking experience!
One of the witnesses
showed up a day early.

Let's do it again,
and let's get it right this time.

Get that idiot out of the chair.
