The Hurricane

- Right.
- I believe that once he looks at it,
he will have seen the truth.

Having seen the truth,
he can't turn his back on me.

And what ifyou're wrong
and he does turn away? Then what?

Then you throw out all this evidence
that everyone's fought so hard to get.

And you know what, Rubin?
You will never be able to mention it
in a court of law again.

It is finished. It's erased.
It's as if it never happened.

This evidence is the key
to getting you out of here,
and you'll be throwing it away, Rubin...

- when in a few more years--
- I don't have a few more years, Myron!

- Leon, help me out.
- I can't.

I agree with Rubin.
It's time to move on.

- Move on? What do you mean,
move on? Move on where?
- The state's biased, Myron.

We're never gonna get anything there.
We have to go federal.

- We can't take the risk
of going federal with this.
- Listen to me. Listen to me!

I'm 50 years old.
I've been locked up
here for 30 years.

I've put a lot of
good people's lives at risk.

Now, either I get outta here--
Get me outta here.
Good luck, Rubin.
This is foryou.
You stay strong.
