The Insider

Now, the work we did here is
confidential, not for public scrutiny...

any more than
are one's family matters.

You're threatening
my family now too?

[ Chuckles ]
Now, don't be paranoid, Jeff.

About the direction of research here,
we may have had our differences, but--

Research. You declare
as a badge of honor you don't
even know what makes water boil.

Well, that's why
we hire scientists.

[ Scoffs ]

I don't believe that you can
maintain corporate integrity...

confidentiality agreements.

I was paid well
for my work,

the health and welfare
benefits are good,

the severance package
is fair.

I have no intention of violating
my confidentiality agreement...

and disclosing that
which l said l wouldn't.

I appreciate
all that, Jeff,

but upon reflection, we've decided
to expand our zone of comfort with you,

so we've drafted a supplement
to your agreement.

It broadly defines and
expands in more detail...

what is confidential.
Nobody will be able
to say, "Well, hell's bells, Margaret,

I didn't know that
was a secret."

We're very serious
about protecting our interests.

We'd like you
to sign it.

And if l don't?
If we arrive at the conclusion
that you're acting in bad faith,

we would terminate right now
payoffs under your severance package,

you and your family's medical
benefits and initiate litigation
against you, Mr. Wigand.

- Dr. Wigand.
- Dr. Wigand.

If you've examined the document, you'll
see it's in your own best interest...

and you'll sign it.
What you're saying is it isn't enough
that you fired me for no good reason.

Now you question
my integrity?

On top of the humiliation
of being fired, you threaten me,
