The Insider

I'm not pushing you around.
I'm asking you questions.

I'm just a commodity
to you, aren't l?

I could be anything, right? Anything
worth putting on between commercials.

To a network, probably,
we're all commodities.

To me, you're not a commodity.
What you are is important.

You go public, and 30 million people
hear what you gotta say,

nothing-- I mean nothing--
will ever be the same again.

- You believe that?
- No.

You should. Because when
you're done the judgement...

is gonna go down in the court
of public opinion, my friend.

And that's...
the power you have.

- You believe that?
- I believe that?

- Yes, I believe that.
- You believe that...

- because you get information out
to people, something happens?
- Yes.

Maybe that's just what you've been
telling yourself all these years...

to justify having a good job.
Having status.
Maybe for the audience
it's just voyeurism, something
to do on a Sunday night.

Maybe it won't
change a fuckin' thing,

and people like myself
and my family...

are left hung out to dry,
used up, broke, alone.

Are you talking to me, or did somebody
else just walk in here? I never--

[ Both Talking At Once ]
Don't evade a choice you gotta make
by questioning my reputation...

or 60 Minutes
with this cheap skepticism.

I have to put my family's welfare
on the line here, my friend.

- What are you putting up?
You're putting up words.
- "Words."

While you've been dicking around some
fucking company golf tournaments,

I've been out in the world
givin' my word...

and backing it up
with action.

Now, are you gonna go
and do this thing or not?

I said I'd call the kids
before they went to bed.

[Japanese ]
Stringer was supposed to be shooting
B-roll on street cops in New Orleans.

- What's with all the horses?
-[Man]Camera guy's got
a thing about mounted police.

Don't any of these guys
ride in cars? Walk?
