The Iron Giant

That's not bad.

First, you take a chocolate bar.
Any bar'll do.

Do you mind if l...?
Knock yourself out, skipper.
You crumble up the chocolate
into little pieces.

Then you kind of stir it
into the ice cream. See?


Yes, l see.
What do you call this again?

Landslide. lt's new. Very new.



You know, Hogarth, we live
in a strange and wondrous time.


The Atomic Age.
But there's a dark side to progress.
Ever hear of Sputnik?
Yeah, it's the first
satellite in space.


Foreign satellite, Hogarth,
and all that that implies.


Even now, it orbits overhead.

Watching us.

We can't see it, but it's there.
Much like that giant thing
in the woods.


We don't know what it is or
what it can do. l don't feel safe.

Do you?
What are you talking about?
What am l talking about?
What am l talking about?!

I'm talking about
your goldarned security!

While you're snoozing...
...back in Washington,
we're wide-awake and worried. Why?


Because everyone wants what we have!

You think this metal man is fun.
But who built it?

The Russians? The Chinese?
Martians? l don't care!

We didn't build it,
and that's reason enough...

:42:25 assume the worst
and blow it to kingdom come!

Now, you'll tell me about this thing.
You'll lead me to it.

And we are going to destroy it
before it destroys us!


Hold that thought and stay there.

Little lower. Little bit lower....
I thought you were in trouble.
That sucks. Let me....
I ditched this weird guy
staying at our house.

It took me hours to shake him!
I kill myself to get out here!
And you have him doing
arts and crafts.
