The King and I

She'll write home to the British...
...begging them
to have the King removed...

...and someone more civilized...
:04:07 made ruler in his place.
Such as?
Missed spot.
Such as?
You, you. You...
...good for job.
And not a moment to lose. Terror is toxic.
This storm has created doubts.
A perfect setting for my powers of illusion
Let's show them something truly barbaric.
Give me gong.
What is it, Mother?
I don't know.
What is it?
Mother, what are you doing?
-I'm whistling.

That's what I do when I'm afraid.
"Whenever I feel afraid
"I hold my head erect
"And whistle a happy tune
"So no one will suspect
"I'm afraid
"While shivering in my shoes
"I strike a careless pose
"And whistle a happy tune
"And no one ever knows afraid
"The result of this deception
"Is very strange to tell
