The King and I

...or against you.
I'd be less outspoken
than your normal self.

Just friendly advice, ma'am.
A thousand welcomes to Siam.
I trust the seas were calm?
Perfectly, thank you.
Have you friends in Bangkok?
I know no one at all.
Then if you need anything, please...
...turn to me.
Oh, no!
Goodbye, Moonshee.
I'll miss you.
Well, maybe you should take
the useless creature.

I really wanted a ship's cat...
:08:43 eat rats.
Can I? Thanks.
You took a tooth from me, too?
Your time will come, monkey.
I know torture.
Poor lad.
He'll need a friend in that palace.
"Whenever I afraid"
Catchy tune. Where did I hear that one?
You'll be shown to your quarters.
I was promised a house of my own...
...outside the palace.
Kings do not always remember
what they promise.

Then I will remind the King.
I Shall take nothing less
than what I have been promised.
