The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human

The humans of this hemisphere
of the planet...

spend most of their time at play,
in tall, steel huts of their own making.

The male busies himself
with numerical symbols...

and electronically enhanced intelligence
to create a picture...

pleasing to those superior
to him in the pack.

This game
he calls "accounting”.

He plays with a toy named after one
of the small rodents of his planet.

He presses his fingers
against the rodent's buttocks...

and gently taps
upon its cheeks.

Still, he prefers the female
of his own species.

The male is not pleased
with his picture.

He finds the female's picture
much prettier.

He wants to know how she can
make such a pretty picture.

Hi. This is Bill Waterson.
Oh, yes, Mr. Greenwood.
Well, we'd love
to help you, but...

gosh, I tell you,
we're really booked solid.

Let me see if there's
any openings here.

Boy, we're just...
we're just swamped here.

Oh! Here's a cancellation at...
How's Thursday at 3:00?
Or now.
Yeah. We could do now.

Now is fine. Yeah, great.
We'll see you.

- We got a client?
- Looks that way.

- Torrance referred us.
- Torrance is a deadbeat.

Yeah, but he's our deadbeat.
We got three clients.

- I think we ought to embrace him.
- All right.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- You're going to call her, aren't you?
- Tell the truth.
- Okay. You're developing...

a serious body odor problem,
but I don't think that's relevant.

You just met her last night. If you
call her now, you'll scare her off.
