The Matrix

lt exists now only as part of
a neural-interactive simulation. . .

. . .that we call the Matrix.
You've been living
in a dream world, Neo.

This is the world. . .
. . .as it exists today.
Welcome to ''the desert. . .
. . .of the real. ''
We have only bits and pieces
of information.

But what we know for certain
is that in the early 21 st century. . .

. . .all of mankind was united
in celebration.

We marveled at our own magnificence
as we gave birth to Al.

You mean artificial intelligence.
A singular consciousness that spawned
an entire race of machines.

We don't know who struck first,
us or them.

But we know that it was us
that scorched the sky.

They were dependent on solar power. . .
. . .and it was believed that
they would be unable to survive. . .

. . .without an energy source
as abundant as the sun.

Throughout human history, we have been
dependent on machines to survive.

Fate, it seems, is not
without a sense of irony.

The human body generates more
bioelectricity than a 1 20-volt battery.

And over 25,000 BTUs of body heat.
Combined with a form of fusion. . .
. . .the machines had found all the energy
they would ever need.

There are fields, Neo,
endless fields. . .
