The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

I fail to see
how you can afford this.

I can see her if I want to.
As the English hold half of France,
what have I to lose?

The other half.
You mustn't see her.
She may be an instrument of the Devil.
I think you should.
How amusing! I'd love to know
why my devoted
mother-in-law thinks one thing

and my two most loyal advisors
think precisely the opposite.

Because I care about you.
Come here.
Your health and happiness
have been my priority

ever since you were a little boy.
I know you better than your mother.
You think so?
I know the sickness
that plagues your heart,

how painful it is to have loved
a father, without knowing

if he was really yours.
Do I know you enough?
What's that got to do
with this Maiden?

Who better than a messenger from God
to give you answers?

You think she was sent from God?
You're a fine judge of character.
You'll soon expose her
if she's a fake.

But... if she's not,
she'll give you your answers
and your crown.
I think it's going
to take more than a peasant...

I don't care what you think
or even what I think
but what simple people think!

Up and down the country
they are already talking about her.
