The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

What if she's not?
If she's not,
I'll kill her myself.
There is no sign
of corruption or violation.
She is intact.
What exactly was this "vision" wearing?
I don't remember.
Did it give you anything,
an object, a ring, a rosary,
anything by which
we can verify your claim?

He gave me good advice.
As a child,
did you have any military experience?
Can you wield the sword?
No, but I'm good with a stick.
Do you know what a Dijon Culverin is?
An item of artillery.
How do you expect to free Orléans
if you don't know?

The road to Orléans is long.
I have good captains with me.
I'll learn fast, believe me.

We would like to, Jeanne.
But if God wanted us to believe you,
he would have sent a sign

with you...
So, can you do something?
Show us something?
A sign
to prove that you are sent by God?
I didn't come here to perform tricks.
You are all much cleverer than I am.
Me, I don't know A from B,
but this much I do know:
While the people in France
lie bleeding,

you sit around in fine clothes,
trying to deceive me,
