The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

Yes, it's a miracle.
They're sending a woman!
What colour dress will she wear?
With a ribbon to tie up Talbot.
Does she even know how to ride
a horse?
She knows.
Were you sent by Lord Dunois?
Yes, they were.
Where are the English?
Everywhere. The food?
It's coming. I rode on ahead.
I have a message
for the English Captain.

- His name's Talbot.
- I know.

Can you take me to him?
He's on the other side of the river.
Who ordered
my being brought to this side?

My friend!
Good to see your ugly damn face again!

- La Hire, don't swear!
- Sorry, Jeanne.

Let me introduce the King's
half brother, Lord Dunois.

Will you show me to the other side?
Go now if you want, but not with me!
You serve God,
but I serve my people,
who are starving!

I'm taking the food back to the city.
Calm down,
come with me to Orléans,

and I will welcome you.
