The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

I leave that answer to God.
Calm down, my Lord, I beg you!
When the whole court laughs at me?
She's smart
but we're making progress

every day.
So long as she's alive,
my armies won't fight.

They need proof
that God is on their side.

It's your prerogative to burn her.
Yours is to find her guilty.
But we need her to admit to blasphemy.
What are you waiting for?
You have all you need
to torture the bitch.

You won't get her to talk that way.
And besides,
several of my colleagues are...
Scared? Of a girl?
Scared to make a mistake.
Suppose she's right?
Suppose she's been sent by God?
Whose side are you on?
On the side
of Holy Mother Church.

Do you have a sword?
Quite a few.
And a banner?
Did you prefer
your banner or your sword?

I was more fond of my banner.
Did it have some value or power?

No, it's just...
a sword is a weapon.
And... so I... prefer my banner.
To avoid killing anyone.
You mean that without your banner,
you'd have killed more people?
No, of course not...
I never killed anyone.

Perhaps the temptation to kill
would have been stronger...

Too strong perhaps?
