The Old Man and the Sea

We have a winner.
The match had started
on a Sunday morning

and ended on a Monday morning.
For a long time after that
everyone had called me The Champion.

Man is not much
beside the great birds and beasts.

But they are not as intelligent
as we who kill them.

They are more noble and more able.
I would rather be that beast down there
in the darkness of the sea.

The fish is my brother
but I must kill him.
I am glad we do not have
to kill the stars.

Imagine if each day
a man must try to kill the moon.

The moon runs away.
But imagine if a man each day
should have to try to kill the sun...

We were born lucky.
It is enough to live on the sea
and kill our true brothers.

I have never seen
or heard of such a fish.

And now, we are joined together.
