The Story of Us

-I don't know.
-you can write to each other.

you can put X's and O's on there.
Guys Iove that, right?

Can't get enough of it.
Honey, you'II have a great time.
What about you?
What was your high today?

Gary EIIis' mom bought a new juicer...
...and I went to his house
and drank a chicken.

And your Iow?
I don't have a Iow.
you gotta have a Iow.
I've been racking my brain.
I do not have a Iow.

We'II enter the chicken smoothie
in the high and Iow category.

How about you, Mama?
I know. It's your anniversary.
What are you guys doing tomorrow?

-I'm taking her to a romantic dinner...
-Dad's taking me dancing.

...and possibIy some dancing.
But you're right.
That is our high.

I'd Iove to stick around
for your Iow...

...but Dodgers are pIaying Giants.
-Can I go too?

I reaIIy don't care what we do
tomorrow night.

Even if we're
at different restaurants.

Just as Iong as the kids see us Ieaving
together and coming home together.

On our first anniversary,
I gave Ben a plastic spoon.

you know, the takeout kind
from a Chinese restaurant?

It was the one we had used...
...when we shared our first bowI
of won ton soup in the park.

He was afraid he'd Iost it...
...and I remember how
his face Iit up...

...when he opened the jeweIry box
I had wrapped it in.

I keep asking myseIf:
"When is that moment in a marriage...
...when a spoon becomes just a spoon?"
