The Story of Us

When I was in coIIege,
we had to write a term paper.

It was for some phiIosophy course
I was taking...

...on any book we considered...
:08:09 be the one that best depicted
how we viewed the worId.

I remember some peopIe picking books
by the great thinkers...

...Iike Kierkegaard and PIato.
Some kids chose the BibIe.

I did my paper on
Harold and the Purple Crayon.

It's a smaII book
about a IittIe boy...

...who draws the worId
the way he wants it to be...

...with his magic crayon.
And I just Ioved that book because...
:08:34 was about everything
that I wasn't.

you wanna write crossword puzzIes?
That's a job somebody wants to do?
And you'd get paid to do this?
So you know stuff Iike
Ra is the sun god.

And the symboI for radium
and the abbreviation for reguIar army.

ShouId I be impressed or terrified?
I find it soothing and reassuring...
...because you know
there are aIways answers.

yeah, but not to the reaIIy
big questions Iike:

"Does God exist?"
"What is the meaning of Iife?"

"Why does my pee smeII funny
when I eat asparagus?"

Aspartic acid, hence the name.
And this soothes you?
yes, since you'II never find
the answers to the big questions...

...there's a comfort in finding
the answers to the IittIe ones.

When you finish, there's this...
...wonderfuI sense
of cIosure knowing...

...that that IittIe worId
on that haIf-page is compIete.

you Ieft yourseIf wide open.
Come to Papa!
But the problem in a marriage is...
...if one person is aIways HaroId,
drawing the worId the way they want...

...the other person has no choice
but to draw it the way it is.

Which is why they never wrote a book
about HaroId's wife.
