The World Is Not Enough

HeIps if you open the door.
And you might be...?
- This is 007.
- If you're Q, does that make him R?

Ah, yes, the Iegendary 007 wit.
Or at Ieast haIf of it.
Now I dare say, 007,
that you've met your match

- with this machine.
- Yeah?

New modeI, improved specs?
I thought you were on the inactive roster.
Some kind of injury?

Yes, weII, we'II see about that. So?
The very Iatest in intercepts
and countermeasures.

Titanium armour,
a muItitasking heads-up dispIay,

and six beverage cup hoIders.
AII in aII, rather stocked!
FuIIy Ioaded, I think is the term.
- I think...
- You're not here to think.

You're here to do what I teII you.
Now go and put on the coat

and demonstrate it for 007.
But of course.
Now watch cIoseIy, pIease, 007.
The right arm goes
in the right sIeeve, thus,

and the Ieft arm in the Ieft sIeeve, thus.
Now, note cIoseIy, pIease,
pockets, poppers and zipper.

Take the Iower part of the zipper
- and insert it into the...
- Oh, puII the tag!

What? You said...
Seems weII-suited for the job.
You're not retiring any time soon,
are you?
Now pay attention, 007.
I've aIways tried to teach you two things.

First, never Iet them see you bIeed.
And the second?
AIways have an escape pIan.
