The World Is Not Enough

Are you aII right?
I need to ask you something.
And I want you to teII me the truth.
Who is it?

Who is trying to kiII me?
I toId you, I don't know.
But I'm gonna find him.
Not good enough.
After the kidnapping I was afraid.
I was afraid to go outside,
afraid to be aIone, afraid to be in a crowd.

I was afraid to do anything at aII.
UntiI I reaIised...
I can't hide in the shadows.

I can't Iet fear run my Iife.
I won't.
After I find him,
you won't have to.
Don't go.
Stay with me.
I can't do that.
I thought it was your job to protect me.
You'II be safe here.
I don't want to be safe.
I'II be back soon.
And who's afraid now, Mr Bond?
Bets, pIease!
