The World Is Not Enough

WeIcome to Kazakhstan, Dr Arkov.
I'm a great admirer of your research.

It's not often we see someone
of your stature here.

I go where the work takes me.
Oh, by the way,
you have the transport documents?

I puIIed the pIutonium
out of the one inside.

- You can detonate the triggers now.
- OK.

our IDA physicist.
Don't bother. Not interested in men.
Take my word for it.
This year we decommissioned
four test sites. Not even a gIimmer.

Are you here for a reason?
Or are you just hoping for a gIimmer?

And you are?
MikhaiI Arkov,
Russian Atomic Energy Department.

Jones. Christmas Jones.
And don't make any jokes.
I've heard 'em aII.

I don't know any doctor jokes.
This is OK.
Take the eIevator down the hoIe.

- Your friend's aIready down there.
- Don't I get some kind of protection?

No, Dr Arkov. Down there it's aII
weapons-grade pIutonium.

ReasonabIy safe.
Up here we've got hydrogen bombs
your Iab buiIt Ieaking tritium,

which I've spent six months
trying to cIean up.

So if you need protection, it's from me.
Your friends are waiting for you.
Aren't you forgetting?
Yes, of course. Thank you.
By the way...
Your English is very good for a Russian.
l studied at Oxford.
