Three Kings

Takže si mùžem dìlat, co chcem.
Nevšimnou si nás.

Vezmu si neprùstøelnou vestu.
Já taky.
Pojï, Conrade.
Kde jsou ty bunkry?
Musej bejt nìkde tady.
Ty ohnì by vám nestaèily?
O tìch už jsem psala, kruci!
Co migrace pelikánù na blatech?
Na to seru. Zastav!
Žádný bunkry nevidím. Co ty?
Najdeme majora Gatese.
Prd. Najdem ukrajinský jeøáby.
Tady jen ztrácím èas, kurva.
Podívej se na ty ptáky.
Jsou samá nafta. Ekologická

To je v prdeli.
Je to vážnì hrùza!
What is it, then?
As in...?
People do what is most necessary
to them at any given moment.

Now, what is most necessary to Saddam's
troops is to put down the uprising.

We can do what we want.
They won't touch us.

All right. I'll be wearing
fashionable Kevlar.

Me too.
Come on, Conrad.
Where the hell are the bunkers?
Supposed to be right around here.
How about these fires?
I already did this story, goddamn it!
How about a rare pelican migration
out by the marshes?

Fuck that! Stop the car!
I don't see any bunkers. Do you?
We'll find Major Gates, ma'am.
Bullshit. All we're finding is
Ukrainian cranes.

This story has been so done.
A waste of my fucking time.

Look at these poor fucking birds.
All covered in some kind of fucking oil,
ecological catastrophic....
