Three to Tango

So we walk in...
...shake hands....
Where do we sit?
-Right. Good. Down.
-Yeah, why not?

-Will you say hello first, or will I?
-Why don't I?

-Good. This is gonna be okay.
-It's gonna be marvelous.

Are you sure?
I dreamt that when we walked
into this meeting, I had no clothes on.

Well, I was wearing a doily.
And Julie McCoy from The Love Boat
was there and she had three breasts.

And then we kind of fell into a hot tub.
And all of a sudden...

...she wanted a commitment!
I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out.
Okay, Oskie...
...this is what we're gonna do.
We're gonna have a signal.

If you start to babble,
just watch the signal.

No babbling, no chatting...
:03:19 small talk. We got a signal now
so we can do this.

Okay, yes. You're right.
We can do it. Thank you.

We'll walk in there and kick some ass.
Say it with me.

Kick some ass!
Hold me.
It's a bit much, I know.
You look intimidating in this picture.
I asked, but they wouldn't run
a nude photo.

Now that would have been
really intimidating.

What are you doing today?
I can't disclose that information.
You never tell me anything.
