Three to Tango

Excuse me.
Shit! Piss!
Damn it! For chrissakes!
Someone's supposed
to secure these things.

Thank you. You saved me.
Well, you have to protect something
as beautiful as you.

As it.
You're not beautiful, the sculpture is.
I am so sorry. This never
should have happened. By the way...

...have I told you how enchanting you look?
I saw you catch that piece. Nice moves.
Thanks. Coming from you,
that's a huge compliment.

You still hold the college record
for most penis in a single season.

So you have all my stats?
Yeah. I'm a huge fan.
I used to have that poster of you.

Did I say ''penis'' back there?
You did.
-Thought I'd let it go.
-Thank you.

Do you come to these gallery things
all the time or....

Well, actually, I'm very close to the artist,
Amy Post.

-Really? How close?

Right, right. So what are you doing
after the show?

I mean, did you come here
with anybody besides Amy?

Well, actually, I....
Will you excuse me just for a moment?
Go ahead. You got it going on.
You got it going on.
